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Wrestling my On-Line Presence Into a Single Website

This is a picture of my ugly mug.

You say that you have never heard of me? Then move along... there's nothing to see here (probably).

This blog is dedicated to people who have expressed a specific interest in my on-line activities. If you've never heard of me, then you likely don't care what I type here. If you landed here on purpose, then you may discover a few new things about me.

As the title of this entry (however weakly) attempts to explain, I'm spread all over the Internet in the same way that country-living gets spread all over the bottoms of your shoes. I'm hard to find, yet you can catch the scent of me everywhere.

This annoys me. This annoys me more than the actual word "annoying" does when you say it aloud several times in a row (admit it - you just tested that theory and came off sounding like a deranged spring... annoying, annoying, annoying).

To be specific, here-in lies a core issue I have with the social-media world as it currently exists:

There are dozens of ways to interact on-line these days. You can Snapchat, Instagram, Tweet, Stream, Tube, Scope, message and the list goes on and on.


Some services will allow you to interconnect or link various profiles across social media - but they never offer the same site options, or present them in the same manner. This can make connecting a focused group of people to the content that you most want them associated with a daunting and sometimes impossible task.


My own personal solution to this challenge has been to manufacture a website which contains links to all of my on-line activity. In other words, I've created a place from which you can always get "there" from "here".

You can access this new "centralized/consolidated" social links website here:

If you are a friend, I'm glad that you found your way to this blog. If you are a stranger who happened on this blog post accidentally... welcome. And I hope you didn't find me too annoying, annoying, annoying.


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